First off, let’s clear the air:
It’s our out-of-whack relationship with failure that keeps most of us stuck, fearful, complacent, and trapped in the horror of a half-lived life.
“Failure” is a critical component of growth and expansion.
That means that without trying new things and making mistakes, we are doomed to live life on repeat.
And ‘life on repeat’ is boring enough to make anyone go crazy after long enough.
The trick is to fail fast, fail forward, and always learn from failures.
When we build muscle, we have to tear it down so it can grow back stronger.
When we meditate, we have to fail at maintaining our focus, over and over again, to build new connections in the brain that help us become more present, peaceful, and less reactive.
When we learn to ride a bike, ski, or surf, we have to get off-balance and fall in order to learn what being in-balance actually feels like.
So the phrase “No pain, no gain” holds a lot of truth. But here’s the kicker, this process doesn’t have to be hard.
The worst failures, and I’ve had my share, are the ones when we learn too little, we learn too slowly, and the failures don’t move us much closer to success. Worst of all, we don’t enjoy the journey…we don’t enjoy the failing!
So failing can be fun?
Failing MUST be fun!
If failing is part of the journey, and we’re here to enjoy the journey, then we’re here to enjoy the failing too.
So how to do that?
Learn from my experiences. In my life, the worst failures came when this one unavoidable truth was present:
Whether I was starting a business solely to make money, developing a skill just to build my resume, or learning something in the hopes of impressing someone else, I was doing it for all the wrong reasons.
And I failed miserably.
I was out of alignment…meaning my body and actions were taking me in one direction while my heart, soul, and intuition were trying to guide me somewhere else.
So, if you’re ready for the secret to everlasting success, here it is:
Live a soul-aligned life so that even your failures and mistakes are in alignment and move you forward.
Do this by constantly asking WHY!
Ask “Why am I [learning this skill / starting this new business / spending time with this person, etc.]?”
If you can honestly say, to yourself and no one else, that you are doing this because it FEELS RIGHT and it lights your soul on fire, then you can never truly fail.
You may have setbacks, but when you do, you’ll know that even a few steps backward are still moving you closer to your dreams than ever before.
And the whole ride becomes enjoyable.
That’s no small achievement. Enjoyment of your life is not just some reward that success brings…it is success itself!
Success is not the absence of failure. It is the enjoyment of life.
So find a way to bring your body and actions into alignment with your heart, soul, and intuition.
Because when you care about why you’re failing, you’ll never fail again.
In life, the drops will fall and you will get wet,
And wet you must get to be your best version yet.
Everything changes with a life, soul-aligned,
When life’s led by your heart, life works out just fine.
You’ll be happy, successful, and seemingly insane,
When you can smile at the rainbow while dancing in the ra
Ready to discover the PROVEN FORMULA that will help you experience more FUN and SUCCESS in 2024 than EVER before?
Book a call and let’s see if it’s a great fit to work together.
Mike’s quote of the week:
“When you’re tired of your work, it’s time for the inner work.”
- MM
Things I’ve shared recently:
Life is a beautiful song when life is shared with you.
I was stuck in an office, I wanted to be free.
LIVIN’ means ‘Life Is Very Interesting Now’.
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Enjoy the journey!