A note for all current clients: Today is the day! Our first Weekly Live Q&A Session is today at 3pm Mountain/5pm Eastern!
If you are interested in learning more about this new program, which combines the freedom of an online learning experience with the power of live, weekly Zoom sessions, simply book a Discovery Call with me now!
Remind yourself of *THIS* and watch your life change
[This passage is to be recited upon awakening every morning. Note that you can swap out “God” with “Universe” or simply say “Thank You”. Also, keep this passage nearby to remind yourself often throughout the day.]
Thank you, God. I am awake, I am alive, and I am free.
I choose to live in heaven today, yet I remember all day that so many of my fellow beings are still imprisoned in hell.
Today, I am awake.
Over 150,000 people did not wake up today. I did.
Today, I am alive.
On this day, I get to enjoy deep breaths, use these senses, and experience nature, sunshine, fresh air, running water, and the limitless expanse of space. I get to feel a deep connection to the universe, a deep love for myself, and a deep love for my family and friends.
Today, I am free.
Today, it is my solemn duty to appreciate life, freedom, peace, and presence…as well as to honor and respect the suffering and surviving that generations before me have endured. Because of their sacrifices, and this gift of being here and now, I have the privilege, today, of living a beautiful, expansive, and creative life.
I am not starving today, and there is an abundance of nutritious food in my home.
I am not being tortured, enslaved, or forced to commit atrocities.
Today, I get to choose joy.
Today, I get to live life as an example while effortlessly and joyfully helping others realize their own true peace, presence, power, and freedom.
Generosity and abundance are the order of the day.
Thank you for this one and only, gorgeous and glorious day of life…today.
There is no other day like today and there never will be another day like today.
I am here for it and I appreciate it all day, today.
Thank you, God.
*Also, as a bonus, here’s a passage that I always share with my clients to help them experience deep appreciation in their lives:
If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are luckier than the million who will not survive this week.
If you can read, you are luckier than over one billion people who cannot read at all.
If you have never experienced the dangers of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.
If you can attend any meeting you want; political...religious...social, you are luckier than three billion people in the world.
And if you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead, and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world.
I’m currently focusing my energy on coaching and sharing messages like these in workshops, at conferences, and in front of audiences who desire to live with more peace and less stress. If you’re interested in working together, book a call …let’s see if it’s a great fit!
Free Workshop NEXT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, at 6:30pm! If you live in or near Summit County, Colorado, be sure to join a live, in-person “Stress-Relief Workshop” that I am hosting in partnership with our amazing mental health organization, Building Hope Summit County. Check out details and RSVP for free here.
Mike’s quote of the week:
“The PAIN of staying the SAME must be worse than the PAIN of making a CHANGE.” - MM
What I’m pondering:
Most thinking is overthinking.
Things I’ve shared recently:
Is an empty mind more intelligent than a busy one?
Lessons learned from Corporate America, Bartending around the world, and Entrepreneurship
Are your “distractions” actually your goals?
Would you give away five days to get back two? [A Poem]
To Do Lists are meant to be guides…not gods.
Do you find value in these stories? Consider forwarding this email to friends, family, and coworkers…I truly appreciate you!
Enjoy the journey,