Would you take a magic pill?
The one condition: You must sit still.
It cures your ailments,
It’s legal and free,
You can take it anytime,
And you can’t O.D.
You can use it over and over,
It never runs out,
It gives you more clarity,
Of what life’s all about.
Your mood will improve,
As will your focus and sleep,
You’ll be more creative,
The benefits run deep.
Most importantly you’ll find,
Life won’t pass you by anymore.
You’ll live in the moment,
And feel alive to your core.
This magic pill is within,
It’s yours for the taking.
When you practice meditation,
A new life you’ll be making.
Hello friends - Today marks six years of meditating every day …that’s 2,191 days!
I’m not perfect…and I’m still always learning and growing, but man, how different I am now than I was on May 5th, 2017.
That day is a momentous occasion in my life. It’s the day I began climbing out of the darkest, deepest depression of my life.
It was a time in my life when I was consumed by thought and I felt stuck, unfulfilled, and unhappy.
And I also had no idea what to do about it.
But ONE thing changed and it helped kickstart my massive transformation…
I began meditating.
*Not sure how to start meditating?*
I always recommend the Headspace app to clients that I work with (both individually and to businesses where I speak and host workshops).
If you have any questions about meditation, how to begin living a more present life, or how to bring mindfulness to your workplace and employees, don’t hesitate to reach out on social media or reply to this email. I’d love to hear from you.
Things I’ve shared recently:
Honoring my wonderful grandmother, Jean Mirkin, who passed on May 23rd.
A gift from a stranger - After a rough night emotionally, and on the morning of my dad’s 70th birthday, I was handed a beautiful gift with a wonderful message from a complete stranger.
For anyone with friends in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry
The ONE way to know if what you do matters (and a sweet photo with my niece Lucy)
One of the best things I learned in college and how adulthood fucked it up
How to keep amazing people in your life
Do you find value in these emails and stories? Consider forwarding this to family and friends…I truly appreciate you!
Enjoy the journey,